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R&S®ZVAX-TRM Extension Unit
Категория - Анализаторы
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Configurable signal conditioning for measurements on active componentsKey Facts
- Extension unit for an R&S®ZVA/ZVT network analyzer for measurements on T/R modules, receivers, transceivers and power amplifiers
- Base unit supports power levels up to +43 dBm
- Options for pulse modulation, amplification, high-power, noise figure and intermodulation measurements
- R&S®ZVAX?TRM models up to 24/40/50/67 GHz
- Flexible configuration for the required application
- Straightforward dialogs for measurement configuration
- Automatic detection and control of R&S®ZVAX?TRM via USB interface
Brief Description The configurable R&S®ZVAX?TRM extension unit is used together with an R&S®ZVA / R&S®ZVT (the R&S®ZVAX-TRM24/40/50/67 can be combined with any R&S®ZVA8/24/40/50/67 or R&S®ZVT8/20 network analyzer, the extension unit is supplied as standard with the RF interconnection cables for the corresponding R&S®ZVA24/40/50/67 model) network analyzer to provide signal conditioning for demanding measurements on active DUTs. For example, it allows measurements on pulsed signals or noise figure measurements on transmit/ receive (T/R) modules. Together with an R&S®ZVA network analyzer, the R&S®ZVAX?TRM provides costomized test sets for applications up to 24/40/50/67 GHz (restrictions on some options for the 67 GHz model).
Features & Benefits
- Configurable test system for characterizing T/R modules
- R&S®ZVAX-TRM decouples signal conditioning from the network analyzer
- Fewer options needed for the network analyzer itself, reduced investment costs
- Basic configuration supports high-power two-port measurements up to +43 dBm
- Test set can be expanded with options
- Signal access points in the R&S®ZVAX-TRM for integrating external components and instruments
- Excellent performance data for measurements on T/R modules
- Measure a T/R module’s characteristics in both directions
- E.g. bidirectional pulse measurements
- High output power levels even with a fully configured R&S®ZVAX-TRM
- Customized configuration
- R&S®ZVAX?TRM base unit
- R&S®ZVAXxxB712/B73 pulse modulators
- R&S®ZVAXxxB112/B134 output amplifiers
- R&S®ZVAXxxB213/B224 combiners
- R&S®ZVAXxxB31/B32 Pre-amplifier, receiver path 1/2
- Typical system configurations
- Measurements on T/R modules with combined transmit/ receive ports
- Measurements on T/R modules with an input circulator (three ports)
- High-power and hot S22 measurements
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