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R&S®FS-Zxx Harmonic mixers
Категория - Анализаторы
Официальный сайт Rohde & Schwarz (Германия) :
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В нашей компании вы можете выбрать и купить R&S®FS-Zxx Harmonic mixers, а также другие запчасти от
компании Rohde & Schwarz с доставкой по всей России, в том числе в ваш город : Дублин. Для запроса цен, сроков поставки
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for the R&S®Key facts
- Low conversion loss
- High 1 dB compression point
- High LO frequency range
- No biasing required
- Conversion loss data provided in file format
Brief description The R&S®FS-Z60 / R&S®FS-Z75 / R&S®FS-Z90 / R&S®FS-Z110 / R&S®FS-Z140 / R&S®FS-Z170 / R&S®FS-Z220 / R&S®FS-Z325 / R&S®FS-Z500 harmonic mixers extend the frequency range of Rohde & Schwarz analyzers up to 500 GHz. Due to their double-diode design, the mixers are operated without any additional biasing. No frequency dependent adjustment of bias current is needed – an invaluable feature for automated measurements. The frequency dependent conversion loss is calibrated over the entire frequency range. The large number of frequency points included in the resulting conversion loss table provides high level accuracy during measurements. The conversion loss table comes in file format with each mixer and can be loaded directly into the analyzer, which makes mixer configuration very easy. All analyzer models offering the LO/IF ports for external mixers support the harmonic mixers (B21 option required).
features & benefits High sensitivity The low conversion loss yields high sensitivity, which is the basis for measuring signals even at very low levels. High large-signal immunity With a high 1 dB compression point and low conversion loss, the mixers feature a very wide dynamic range. Therefore, measurements of low-level signals can easily be performed even in the presence of high-level signals. Straightforward spectrum display The high LO frequency range and the low order of harmonics used significantly reduce the number of unwanted mixing products. In addition, the analyzer firmware provides algorithms to identify and suppress remaining unwanted mixing products. Wideband Signal Analysis The models R&S®FS-Z75, R&S®FS-Z90 and R&S®FS-Z110 GHz have a higher IF OUT frequency range (IF OUT) of 5 MHz to 6.0 GHz that enables an analysis bandwidth of more than 5 GHz.''
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